The specialty of this spiritual-philosophical book is that the subjects are ancient; taking us to the past when Rishis, Saints, Prophets and Philosophers blessed humans
with their knowledge and insights, their lifelong experiences, golden ideas and advice which have since the olden times been discussed, elucidated and spoken of by many learned scholars, philosophers and others of different ages from spiritual and religious points of view, from materialistic angles or judged otherwise.
Authors of this book are most modern in their thoughts and ideas in spite of the fact that most of them are very senior among contemporary writers. They have discussed the age-old knowledge refined in their multilingual, multidimensional modern cauldron of culture and understanding. All of them are more or less free from bigotry and narrowness. Four of the seven authors are poets first before any other type of composer, scholar, writer or artist. In professional life one was a member of the Indian Administrative Service, one was a member of the Indian Police Service, one was a member of Indian Revenue Service and another a legal expert; of them two were members of the Judicial Tribunal. One is a Professor and Academician and the other is a University Professor Emeritus. One was a banker (a Bank Executive). So the book is a meeting place of various professionals who merged into the vast field of poetry and literature which include all professions and go beyond to embrace life and whatever is or is not there beyond life. The works of poets and litterateurs embrace all and goes beyond.

“What an image! I have never seen; as if painted on the sky…. Bright blue body extended across the sky to its end; crown on its head, earrings in ears, a jewel in the breast attached to a garland; tender luster of the jewel shined moon like. Jewelled ornaments adorned the waist below which hung the yellow cloth like valance. In his one hand was a mess end of which was gigantic. The image was looking at me, it seemed.” (Sadhusanga 1/14)
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