Articles, Lectures, Talks, Interviews on Islam, Sufism, Sufi Wisdom and Divine Poems
Sufism is mystical and spiritual side of Islam. It focuses on the twin and mutually complimentary themes of love and luminosity-the core of Islamic mysticism. Naturally, notes of tolerance and ‘Suleh-e-kul’ (equal respect and peace for all creeds predominate.)
This book ‘Sufism’ comprises of articles, lectures, interviews, correspondence, collection of Sufi Wisdom from great works of Sufis and selected Divine Poems penned by the author. This book attempts to introduce the subject of Irfan to the lay readers.
Human Heart
Among the most beautiful and wonderful things, which one can appreciate is the love, which is hidden in the human heart.
Heart is the emblem of love and affection but it is also a place of hatred and jealousy. It is here that the supreme light is hidden, which cherishes the soul. Heart is the Mekka of profound joy, supreme bliss, pathos and grieves. Heart is capable of sharing other’s joys and grieves. Heart gives place for the lowly and the unfortunate.
Heart plays mischief too. It breaks bonds and corrupts filial love, which binds human beings.
Milk of human kindness oozes out from the realms of heart.