A Search from Within
Looking down from top of a hill
Being one with the clouds and in the air
Euphoric floating images instill
Ecstasy and mind gets stirred
To freshness, with lovely flowers
All around and many tall trees
With cool shade to shower
Blessings, sweet melody frees
The soul to soar higher and higher
Like skylark, and heaven it sees.
Up on the hill, up on the hill
To free your will and gather
In your heart love and fill
Your life with happiness and grow smarter.
Preface (excerpt)
‘A Search from Within’ is my third collection of poems. In his foreword, Dr. I.H. Rizvi, Poet Editor of Canopy has already given a glimpse of the nature of poems in this collection.
It has become necessary for me to give an introduction to the nature of mystical, sufistic and yogic thoughts, feelings and experiences expressed profoundly in poems as a mode of communication. Poetry is a powerful form of expression of yearnings of the inner consciousness and soul of a mystic, a sufi or a yogi. All aim at one goal but adopt various and diverse methods and means to reach it, based on the teachings of each of their Masters. There are free thinkers, as well, who do not confine to the rigid system of any cult but freely float in the realms of consciousness to give expression to their imagination and inner yearnings, of which example, we can think of Kahlil Gibran. In English literature, William Blake stands foremost as a mystic poet. While in the orient, particularly, after the advent of Islam and its profound philosophical and mystical thoughts influenced deeply a set of its followers, to propound various schools for the purpose of teaching. To convey their thoughts, for the soul to take wings to reach higher echelons of consciousness. To reach the zenith of inner zone and to discover the source of the yearnings and pangs, for final merger with the higher consciousness and a Higher Being, whom each according to their religious and mystical experience have termed it as “God Almighty”, ‘Brahma’, ‘Holy Trinity’, ‘Holy Ghost’, ‘Allah’, ‘Huq’, ‘Truth’, ‘Beauty’, ‘Love’, so on and so forth.
Dr S L Peeran
In my collection, I have attempted to express my inner thoughts, feelings and experiences influenced by my sufi culture and background. I hasten to add that it is a mere attempt and I don’t wish to claim any mastery nor say that I have achieved even a grain of what the great Sufi masters have expressed in their profound poetry.
Foreword to A Search from Within by Dr. Iftikhar Husain Rizvi (excerpt)
S.L. Peeran is a poet with a mission. Having unshakable faith in God, he believes that darkness will disappear, sorrows will vanish and goodness will shine for ever. It is not that he is not conscious of the darkness around, of the evil expanding its boundaries, of terrorism showing its demon-like teeth and of the destructive forces hovering around. However, he is sure, like Browning, that “God’s in heaven” and if all is not right with the world, it will be right soon. He believes in the supremacy of the Supreme Being, in His mercy and His call for the merger of the soul. God is ‘Divine Light, Mercy and Compassion.”
S.L. Peeran has deep faith in love, beauty, charm, light, hope, goodness, sincerity, piety, innocence, grace, sympathy, pity and faith. He is deeply struck by the Cupid’s dart. To him separation from the beloved is unbearable.
I feel Peeran is like a swimmer with his eyes towards heaven and with full confidence in his power to swim, with the help of mystical and philosophical oars and with hope to reach the shores one day.
Dr. Iftikhar Husain Rizvi