Now, we are living in an advance age of our civilization, with advancement in every field. The door of communication has opened up to new vistas of knowledge and learning. The march of time has quickened its pace, so much so, that the vitals of the modern life are being devoured by new viruses, which are threatening to end the very existence of Man on this beautiful planet. From the time a child is born, he is being prepared to face the fast life. From the age of two or even less, a child is admitted to a play school. No longer do the nannies and grannies, aunts and uncles play with the child. There is a cultural breakdown and due to shortage of space of living, crammed living, living in concrete jungles, children are bereft of the beauty of nature and to watch the pleasantness the fauna and flora provides to thrill the senses and the opportunities it provides for observation and learning.
The masses and so also the privileged class are no longer in a position to spare time to learn the nuances of music, language and various other aspects of culture. They have to be content with watching films on the screen and be content with entertainment provided to appease the cheap senses of mind and heart. Today, more importance is given to that type of entertainment which satisfies the baser elements in man. This has been the major cause for breakdown of one’s personality and a person to become ‘egocentric’, ‘selfish’, ‘self-centered’; ‘spend thrift’, ‘greedy’, ‘jealous’ and such other weaknesses that robs a person of peace and solace.
Mankind has realized now that the advancement achieved with scientific and medical inventions besides great progress in the art of living has at the same time robbed man of the happiness of joint family system and age old traditions. Every age has found this loss around it in its time and tenure. Holy Quran in Sura C-III has referred to man being in a state of loss and points out that only those who are believers (in Almighty God, and in eternal goodness) and do good works and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance (patience) are saved from loss. Loss means loss of every good aspect of living, culture and civilization. Thus patience has been considered as a mother of virtue. Every human being has to have endurance and develop patience in every walk of life so that the baser elements in man do not strike him like a poisonous snake to death. The disturbing elements in mind and heart are required to be curbed. The multiple desires erupting like fountain constantly require controlling and checking and one has to set limits of tolerance. The living needs to be cultivated and it can be done only by exerting in endurance and patience. A seed takes its own time to sprout to a sapling and to a tree then to reach the flowering stage before it can bear sweet fruits for us to relish. So also all good deeds need and require time, patience and endurance to bear sweet fruits.
Loss of patience is a sure way to defeat and it ruins all the good that is likely to happen in our life. Self control can be cultivated only through patience. Just as a mother exhibits enormous patience in the upbringing of a child; so also virtues and good deeds requires at its root level patience.
God praised those who adopt patience and mentioned more than several times in the Holy Quran. He kept most good deeds and merits linked with patience. God Says:
“When they kept patience, I created leaders from amongst them who showed guidance according to my instructions”
Sura 32.V.24.
God says owing to the patience of Bani Israel, the words of your Lord were perfected well over them. God Says:
“I will reward those for their goods works and who are patient.”
“They will be given double rewards for their patience.”
“The patient will be given rewards fully without accounts.”
“Fasting is only for Me and I will give its rewards.”
He kept connection with those having patience with Him and promised that He is with the patient.
“Take to patience, God is with the patient”
Sura 2: V 249.
“If you keep patience and fear God… your Lord will help you with five thousand well armed angels”
“These are blessings and mercy upon them from their Lord and they are those who are guided”
Sura 2 V 58
The Prophet (SAS) said patience is half of faith. He said: The lowest measure of what you have been given is sure faith and firm determination of patience. He who has been given a portion of those two qualities has got no fear even if he prays little at night and fasts little during day time. If you can stand with firm foot with patience just as you are now and do not turn away from this way, it is dear to me. If anybody does divine service equal to all of you after turning away from patience, it will not be dear to me. I fear the world will be opened to you after me. You will then cherish hatred for one another and the dwellers of heaven will then be dissatisfied with you. He, who keeps patience and expects rewards, will get full reward. Then he recited this verse:
“What is near you will come to an end and what is near God will only remain. I will give full rewards to those who being patient do good works”
Sura 16 V 96
The Prophet (SAS) once said that patience is a jewel among the jewels of paradise. The Prophet (SAS) was once asked: ‘What is faith? He said: Patience. The Prophet said: To say what patience dictates is the best act.
Prophet Jesus Christ (PBUH) said: You cannot earn what you love till you keep patience at what you do not love.
The Prophet (SAS) said: Had patience been given the form of a man, it would have keen kind. God loves the patient.
(For more reading on “Patience and Gratefulness” See Chapter II of Volume IV of Ihya Ulum-id-din by Hazret Imam Ghazali (RAA)).