In Rare Moments
Dedicated to all the Poetry Lovers
Like a child cuddling in the arms of the mother.
Oblivious of the mischief done the whole day,
To make the mother run around and round.
To make her mad with frenzy and to weep.
I, lost in my thoughts, turn to my Creator.
Oblivious of the umpteen sins committed by me.
I had broken the “Lakshman Rekha”; like Adam.
Shown jealousy and arrogance like Satan.
Yet, when I am in submission in prayers.
I am like a child in the arms of my mother.
O Lord! Forgive my erring soul and mind.
Enlighten the soul to sing paean to Thee.
Let my sacred moments be dear to me.
Let Thy effulgence shine forever on me.
My ninth collection of poems is in my reader’s hands. I have named it “In Rare Moments”. I suppose that muse blesses poetry on very few individuals and far less are its appreciators. I dedicate this work to those poetry lovers and appreciative readers, who enjoy reading poetry. Some critics have referred my poems as serious. How serious they are, is for the readers to judge. But the language employed to express my thoughts are simple. My poems reflect and express anyone’s daily experience in life. I am sure it would satisfy the taste of many.
Foreword to In Rare Moments by Krishna Srinivas (excerpt)
Poetry needs conscious control. Poet’s mind enforces harmony upon the turbid flux of existence. Poet Peeran reveals the power and vitality that streams through the Universe and animates all creation. He chooses his words to act as missiles that will explode in the reader’s mind. He weaves himself closer to all that surround him.
Peeran has gained many distinctions and he is the right man to regain what all we have lost. He cries down the crimes and injustices that prevail everywhere today. Like President Kalam and Daisaku Ikda of Japan, he visions a paradise that will come.
Introduction by Dr. (Mrs.) C. Anna Latha Devi (excerpt)
Poet Peeran has created a special place for himself in the galaxy of Indian English poetry. It is indeed a pleasure to read Peeran’s poems because though long or short, lyric or haiku, they are packed with thoughts to ponder. Matthew Arnold, the great critic of poetry has advocated in his Study of Poetry that there must be perfect blending of “matter and manner” or “subject and style”, two essential qualities to make a perfect work of art. These are blended in such a way that Peeran’s poems belong to the Great Order of Poetry. Moreover, the poems bear the stamp of Poet Peeran combined with uniqueness which can be termed as “Peeranisque”, (if I am permitted to use the term).
In Rare Moments one finds poems which are really praiseworthy bearing the stamp of poet Peeran. They are indeed valuable to life. They have deeper levels of meaning and readers can interpret them in their own way. In simple language, Poet Peeran injects deep thoughts. World would have been a second heaven if there is religious tolerance which is found in the poems of Peeran practiced all over the globe. The poet condemns factions and groups of all sorts among men in the name of religion or class but as a humanitarian Peeran advocates comradeship, companionship and fellowship among his fellow beings.
Dr. (Mrs.) C. Anna Latha Devi
A joy ride may end in a crash
A soaring kite may dash to the ground
But the love for the Master sustains
And eases the burden of life.