A Journey of a Sufi is a saga and a tale of a practicing Sufi, who has lived in the world like any one but differently, practicing the ancient Sufi wisdom.

Dr S L Peeran hails from a Sufi background, whose fore-bearers hail from the Holy Prophet’s family. The book has three sections. The first section is a biography of a Sufi facing the life’s turmoil’s from the Sufistic point of view. The second section deals with 40 articles on Sufism, and the third section is about selected Sufi poems of the author.

It is hoped that the book will infuse interest in the readers in the study of Sufi classics and ancient literature.


My Beginning

Our upbringing and social, domestic environment was centered on certain beliefs, more particularly belief in God, His Prophet and in saints. Though Western and modern life was around us yet it did not made us irreligious nor too much superstitious. The way of life was a mixture of English ways of dressing, eating at the table with fingers in crockery, use of electric stoves and heating water in electricity. There had been use of English language, reading of daily newspaper, occasional and very rare viewing of films in theatres that was after we were fully grown up in a highly restricted manner. The film songs were heard from some quarters or the other. When I was 13 years old the radio made an entry in the house, as it was a prestige symbol in every home; after the demise of my grandparents.

An Arabic elderly teacher was appointed to teach reading of ‘Quran e shariff.’ As a small child the letters of the alphabet were being rehearsed by my mother or some elderly lady, who would come to teach my sisters. The appointment of an Arabic teacher was the first introduction to the religion.

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