Let us bury time and history with its values and customs, the age old icons, idols and heritage. Now can we look for new horizons, new way of life, fresh pastures, fresh grounds of spirituality? But I find emptiness in my soul. Locked in the deepest memory are images of those decades old events, when I watched with these gleaming tiny eyes the spiritual aura surrounding the saintly, graceful souls, deep in prayers, in trance seeking Divine mercy and grace. There used to be sweet fragrance, aroma of frankincense, agar. I was immersed in the lovely feelings of presence of Divine souls. I felt the presence of Angels slowly floating with white wings with light around. The entire bliss, solace and tranquility was slowly and gradually dawning on the blissful souls in the serene gathering. All of them seeking with single minded devotion the Grace and Mercy of Divine which was flooding the room full of worshipers, praying in rhythmic tone the Holy passages, psalms and zikr to allow the aged divine soul to ascend to the Lord’s throne.

Now today a sick and a miserable heart patient is surounded by doctors, para medic staff struggling for hour long to revive the pulse, to bring back life to the dying tortured body. The patient is put on an oxygen mask, with several tubes fixed, glucose slowly dripping in. The patient is stuggling to breathe with low groans. None in the room to sing praise to the Lord of Mercy. There is no aura, no angels, no saintly persons to ring in spirituality. There is no burning of agar, frankincense. There are no prayful eyes gleaming and seeking Divine Grace. The whole atmosphere is grotesque, macabre and grave.

So much for modernity and trust in medical science. The doctors and paramedics are bereft of Divinity, spirituality, grace and awe. Man has lost his soul, his humanity in this materialistic, mad rat raced world.

Grotesque and Macabre moments