We all know the principles behind the theories of origin of man; about the origin of Universe and diverse forces influencing the origin and growth of several civilizations.
Initially man communicated by sign language; then arose the symbolic meaning of symbols and the study of influence of environment, climate, movement of heavenly bodies and its supposed influence on human behavior and cultures. As man progressed in the march of time, man’s intrinsic inquisitiveness to probe every aspect of life from its origin to afterlife gave birth to religions and several cultures in the world. It is also in the nature of man to dominate and rule his fellow beings. Thus religion and kingship became twin sisters to play a great role in the working of humanity.
In the present era of science and technology the grip and hold of religious ideologies in the mind of its followers is losing its importance. The kingship has given way to socialistic and democratic living; secular societies and secular values are gaining influence in western countries. Its values and practices is being applied in our country to separate the role of religious organizations and bodies from the system of governance; which is based on rule of law, justice, fraternity and freedom. The religious practices and beliefs are the concern of each individual and they are well protected in our country. However the practitioners of religions come to logger heads creating tension, violence and disturbing the communal harmony and peace.
It has been the concern of law enforcing authorities and legislative bodies to maintain peace and harmony in the country. We as individuals, religious heads and religious institutions work for communal harmony and better understanding of each other’s religions for developing tolerance and patience.
In order to strengthen the inter and intra religious harmony, we need to know the differences among the religions, their believes, practices, customs and traditions. So as to bring harmony and peace.
Majority of our country men practice ancient religions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Judaism, Christianity, Islam were introduced in our country over a millennium ago. Sikhism arose centuries ago. Parsees, Baha’is came to take shelter, protection and peace in the country, as the people of our great country are tolerant in nature and have been absorbing the cultures of other civilizations.
Let us try and recount the aspects on which the differences between the religious communities crop up and find ways to bridge the gap or ways to build up communal harmony.
The first difference between each religion is on the belief of the nature of the Creator.
- How the Creator exists and performs His nature and functions.
- How the creatures and cosmos have come into existence
- On the creation and origin of man, woman and subsequent developments
- On the origin of societies, creation of castes and communities and their role in societies
- On the basic fundamental believes/ tenets the members of each caste/ community should hold and practice
- The nature of food/drinks to be consumed; vegetarianism/ non-vegetarianism; consumption of alcohol, intoxicants, stimulants, satvic/ non satvic foods
- The manner form of worship of Creator, god/goddesses, sacrifices to be made; foods to be offered, or offerings to the Creator/god/goddesses
- Festivals, taboos, restrictions, constraints and prohibitions during celebrations and pilgrimages
- Customary practices, superstitious beliefs, faith in planetary movements and its influences.
- Manner of personal hygiene and dress code, manners and behaviors; restrictions in movements and entry in the religious places.
- Manner of propagation and spreading each religious believes.
Besides the above listed categories in each religion, there may be many more causes arising from among the religions for furthering or causing disruption in the relationships of the members of the society; thus effecting peace and harmony.
Let us also examine other sociological, cultural, political and criminal forces working individually or collectively to disrupt the communal harmony. The divisions of country and states, demo-graphical changes, migration, drought, climatic changes, legislation’s to bring land reforms, wars, invasions, nationalization of working economy are also major causes to disrupt communal harmony.
In strict parlance of secularism, all citizens are required to be treated equally and there should be no display of religious symbols and identities in public life. But secularism is differently understood and applied in our country. There is religious freedom and permission is granted in the Indian constitution for setting up religious institutions and religious places and also for its propagation. However, harmony and peace is a fundamental requirement for a peaceful society. The States do everything possible to maintain it. In our country there has been discrimination practiced for ages with regard to suppressed and down trodden castes and classes. The British rule left the largest minorities, the erstwhile rulers in a pitiable condition. The resurgence of political powers in the hand of majority religious group has resulted in a watershed in the Indian polity. It has been a cause for ugly communalism and conflicts.
The powerful anti social elements, the drug lords, the arms and weapons lobby, the alcohol and liquor lobby, powerful rich lobby, the land owners/ land lords, and several such lobbies joining the political forces are always ready to create communal disharmony to achieve their selfish aims.
The simple land and temple/masjid issue is made into a major national issue and communal riots are fomented.
Non violent social services and religious movements are labeled as forced conversions and on this pretext the majority community and their organizations unleash terror on the minority religious places and formant communal riots.
Mass propaganda, viscous campaigns are carried out by majority religious organizations against the practices and faith of the minorities, depressed classes and back ward classes.
Secularism and secular practices and propagation of secular values, human values, rational and scientific temper alone can bring communal harmony, peace and tolerance.