The first message to an unlettered Prophet (Pbuh) was “Iqra.”
Read in the name of the Lord and Cherisher
Who Created man, out of a leech like clot.
Proclaim! And Thy Lord is Most Bountiful
He Who Taught the use of Pen (Surah 96: 1-4)
Thus the Prophet (Pbuh) proclaimed that the “ink of the scholar is more holier than the blood of the martyr.”
When this is the beginning of the word of Lord Almighty and His light, to“ Noorulla,” the Messenger of Peace, it follows that education, law and justice precedes anything and everything in life. Reason shall rule and prevail over emotions. There shall be no attachment to honour, wealth, pelf and splendour. But loyalty, dedication should be towards the dictates of Allah and His word, His law and Prophet’s message.
For living a virtuous, peaceful and tranquil life, acquisition of knowledge is paramount and of utmost importance in Islam.
“Ignorance of law is no excuse” to escape from penal and penalty provisions. At every breath of life, intricate rules have been framed. Scholars shall interpret and make it known to the populace. The loyalty and integrity of the learned and the scholars shall at all times be for the law of the Universal King and His peaceful, trustworthy and truthful Messenger. Rule of law and sense of justice shall proceed each and every ruling. There has to be clear and just balance in the ruling. Good conscience and equity shall prevail. All are equal in the eyes of the law. Scholars shall not proclaim and give rulings to please the powers that be, or for cheap popularity or to gain wealth and recognition. The path of the scholar is strewn with thorns and a democles’ sword always hangs on his head, to speak the truth and to lay down his all, including if time gives a call, his life to help prevail just laws and justice.
Some scholars are known to betray people to help the autocratic powerful monarchs and for fear of life. This is an unholy and most cruel thing.
Cruelty is not just lack of compassion, mercy and benevolence, but it is also to tilt the balance in favour of the unjust and wicked, that brings chaos, lawlessness and which destroys eternal peace, happiness, tranquility and “as-sakina”.
Learning by each and every individual to know their rights, duties and to perform their legal obligations towards a just living and society is the primary and fundamental aim of Islam.
Every scholar, both religious and secular shall help in the maintenance of cosmic harmony, right living, right conduct, right speech and conducive living to bring in peace, justice, mercy and compassion in each and every individual’s life.
Purposeful prayers, equitable distribution of wealth, charity and correct performance of “salat,” good actions and deeds are by acquisition of knowledge. The scholars, teachers and ‘men of letters’ and pen, the learned, the wise, the poets, the philosophers, the judges and lawyers, the legislators and parliamentarians play a pivotal role in ushering in fair play, justice, equality, brotherhood and freedom from darkness between all the races of humanity.
There is a great responsibility on them to maintain equanimity, sense of justice, fair-play and honesty in applying the rule of law equally among all sections of the people.
With their mighty pen, the scholars should fight tyrannical rulers, state terrorism, trampling of human rights and suppression of oppressed and depressed.
Self- illumination and enlightenment of mind and heart is by acquisition and correct application of knowledge alone.