The moment you recite the kalima, the crescendo of Islam, “La illaha illallah,” you at once give up idol worship both outwardly and inwardly and submit to the Will of the Lord Almighty.
Islam means surrender to the supreme will of the Master of the universe, the “Rub”, the “Malik”, the King. Only by such surrender, man achieves peace and freedom from creation of mental fiction, figment of imagination, myths and mythologies. The artificial man-made barriers between man and man on the basis of caste, creed, colour, nationality, language are all removed and all are made equal before the Supreme Master who has no equal or partner or an avatar or representative. There is no parallel to the Lord Almighty. Hence the crescendo “La illaha illallah,” that there is no god, but God, the Allah. By reciting this kalima, you are at once released from the tyranny of man, man-made gods, tyranny of mind and heart, taboos and superstitions. You achieve freedom of mind and heart and it opens to higher vistas of knowledge and learning. You become logical, rational, sensible and at once spiritual.
Thousands of great enlightened men in the form of messengers have brought home the message to mankind that the entire love should be only and be alone for the great Master, the Rub, the Lord, which brings freedom from falsehood, lies, stories, myths and mythologies, idol worship, which are all man-created, far far away from reality and truth.
The strong have been devouring the weak. The superior ruling class and the rich people exploited the poor and weak. Several superstitions ruled the day. Astrology, numerology, witchcraft, black magic and umpteen inhuman practices were the order of the day. Humanity did not have the blessing of freedom, truth, peace, justice, equality, brotherhood and the feeling of oneness and to think of the neighbour as thyself. The ego, anger, jealousy, covetousness and several human weaknesses were unbridled and uncontrolled. There was lack of culture, courtesy, manners, cleanliness and good living. Goodness was absent. Crime, cruelty, hatred, division between man and man was common. The women, aged and infirm had no place in the society. Inequity, mayhem and tyranny of the selfish, self-centered kings was the rule of the day.
It is the Mercy, Compassion and Beneficence of the Lord of the universe, that He kept sending messengers to reform man.
Finally, Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) emerged as the Seal of the Prophets to complete the message of peace, harmony, brotherhood, freedom, honesty, love, equality, justice, truth and self-sacrifice to one and all.
The Lord’s message is ingrained in the holy Quran and sayings of Prophet Muhammad. The moment you recite the kalima, the crescendo of Islam “La illaha illallah,” you at once give up idol worship both outwardly and inwardly and submit to the Will of the Lord Almighty and begin to accept His command as a humble servant. The Lord’s awe and wonder makes you at once knowledgeable and pure. You become humble, soft, clear, righteous, gentle, sweet-tongued, virtuous dedicated, sincere to the core, truthful, honest, modest and a person of great integrity and full of love, compassion, friendship, mercy, charity, hospitality and generosity.
You will become a gifted person, recognize the right of others and to respect those rights. You will become dutiful and your goal will be to attain eternal goodness and you will wish to create a society of love, peace and brotherhood, freedom, good work and goodness and cleanliness.
You shun back-biting, undue criticism, arguments, anger, pride, jealousy and hatred. All frivolous, useless, irrational, inhuman, illogical customs and traditions are done away with. You become your own policeman for self-control and self-purification.
With you, looking up to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for guidance and the holy Quran to follow the principles laid down by it, to live a virtuous and pure life, you shun satanic and diabolic ways besides all sexual perversions. You give up stubbornness, heedlessness, arrogance, power, pomp and show.
You take care of the entire environment and shun pollution, disease, mayhem, chaos, confusion, crime and a wayward life. You observe silence and are always patient and full of gratitude and thankfulness
Your earnings become lawful and so also your spending. You eat only permitted clean food by giving up haram, unlawful and unhealthy food, including blood, carrion, pork, drinking alcohol, drugs and such substances. Your inner purification begins and the heart glitters with love and compassion. You become a pure person… a Muslim.